A Tiny, Young Girl

Using un-common sense in a common world;
helping you help yourself to be a better You.
Making your regular Life - into your epic Legend.

Tuesday 30 July 2013

The First Post - An Introduction

Hello everyone! This is going to be something of a blog, something of a help-log and advice column or a place where you can generally get information that you should have already got at school or in life, but since lessons do not come with a prologue no one exactly picks them up.
So if you are a girl, a boy, a child, a teacher, a thinker or player, whatever you are or whoever you are, you will find something useful here. This will be my compendium of life for everyone to read and share :) There may be some things no one has told you before but you need to know and maybe some things you already know. But I see so many people stumbling through life like a terribly animated video game character which still hasn't mastered the controls. I do it a lot too, I may or may not learn from them, but I will catalogue it and you can use it :) I am going to talk about everything ranging from underwear to boys to study techniques and why you should talk less or more.
I'm an observationalist (no, that's not a word) and I learn a lot, and fast too, I am a horrible sociopath but a good actor. I am also going to exercise my right (which the almighty internet bestows on us all) to anonymity. I am a sociopath and clinically/manically depressed, a few people know this, most don't.
Oh and I would prefer my mother definitely does not know :P
Anyway, welcome, and happy reading. And I do so hope I may be of help (especially to 19 year old girls studying engineering or associated fields in a univ away from home, considering I am one of them) (and also to a lot of other people too, not just the girls, also boys trying to understand girls, people having problems with the way the world works, society and its banes and also teachers who love screwing us all over... everyone really!)
Also, thank you for reading till here, this is not really a structured post or very sensible but now at least you know where I come from (I hope) and where I am going . . . No? Oh well, doesn't matter- just stick around and you won't regret it :)
See you soon!

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