A Tiny, Young Girl

Using un-common sense in a common world;
helping you help yourself to be a better You.
Making your regular Life - into your epic Legend.

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Popularity and Fame.

Those two words are the bane of all normal and average people and the veritable pride of the popular and famous ones. After all, if you're not famous no one knows you, no one cares about you. And you're just a big nobody.

It's so counter intuitive because in effect: You are the one who influence your popularity. You have definitely seen at least one big moron who had the brain of a tapeworm and the looks and personality of a camel climb up the popularity ladder like a bloody effective monkey. And obviously totally hated him/her for it. How did He get so much attention? You probably asked. God! Even my old cat is less hissy than that female! Why is she so popular?

Ah, well, there, you just asked the right question. These people are popular because they want to be.
Not so simple, and don't decide anything yet. It takes a lot of conviction to believe you are something. (Or very little brain power. But that is not the point) I have been popular most of my life, from school, to extended school, to now college. I am not tooting my own horn here but just giving you some background. Believe me when I say Popularity does not Only depend on you. I never Decided to be popular or looked up to. It just happened naturally. And when I came to college (worlds apart from school and second school) my habits (of sort of being famous) as well as my personality helped me along quite a bit. I also took a conscious decision to lie low for a while (considering a Lot of people took me to be a bratty bitchy girl just by my looks. I was shocked. And disappointed. But all that is a story for later) So although I am famous in college. I'm not as famous as I am used to being. People know me without my knowing them, but its a big college and big campus. A lot of people, so very few people can be truly popular.

Although, I have seen a couple of Those types of people. The ones you would wonder about, who are they? And why on earth are they so known?

... Those people are Nobody. Literally Nobodies. Everyone hates them, the only friends they seem to have are the 'Popular Gang', and everyone just really ignores them. I do not get the dynamics, I admit, but everyone tells me that the Popular Gang is popular.

And I call bullshit. They are Not popular. Or famous. Or great. Or even worth mentioning. They are just a bunch of kids who have taken it in their heads that they are The Gang of the college.

That is it.

That is taking Faking it till you make it to a wholly new level.
And believe me, you can do it too.

How To Be Popular (Regular Edition):
  •  Keep saying and behaving as if you are The Person around. 
  • Demand respect from people. 
  • Be obnoxious (optional actually, but it helps since everyone already assumes famous people are obnoxious, so it reduces to some form of reverse psychology) 
  • Forget people's names on purpose (this gives the wonderful effect of more people knowing you and you truly knowing fewer people. Cementing the popularity again since even people you 'don't' know, know you) 
  • Act as if you were born a class above other people, as if you have some entitlement they don't and which automatically puts you above the average people.
  • Ignore everyone around you, especially people on the road, those you know, classmates and teachers, co-workers in the office, even others who have positions above yours.
Doing all this isn't too hard. It also helps if you can get a bunch of your friends to do this, thus creating the Popular Gang.

I can't guarantee you will be liked though, but this is the basis for most people's popularity.
If you are willing, you could also go the hard way (more roundabout but definitely more self pleasing) 

How To Be Popular (Real Edition) :
  • Get to know more people. Throw away your shyness and say a hello to every (almost) person who you cross paths with. 
  • Learn the names of as many people as possible and make sure you are nice and friendly with everyone. 
  • You do not need to be exceptionally good at anything. You can be perfectly average (heck, even below average) in the looks department, or in studies, work, public speaking, hobbies, even making friends. 
  • All you need to do is talk to a lot of people, be nice to them, make it a point to remember basic details about them. 
  • Importantly: And pay attention here: Be Nice to Everyone. Be kind, courteous and generous.
  • Offer to help people, or if you can't directly help them, get someone else to. 
  • Treat everyone with respect, everyone from the waiter to your classmates to your boss. Everyone.
  • If you see someone you know and he's walking with someone you don't - make it a point to stop and talk to both of them. The one you know will feel good that you stopped and chatted, and the one you don't will feel even better that you spoke to him too even though you only knew his friend. 
  • Make as many connections as possible: then those connections will get you even more. 
  • Soon even people you don't know will be stopping and saying, 'Oh yes I know you. You're my ex classmates hostel mate!'
Just remember. Popularity can come easy or tough. It depends on you whether you want to have the kind that comes from being an attention whore or the genuine kind where everyone likes and loves you back.


  1. How can i be more popular without changing who i am?

  2. you say to chnge but i do not want to. what to do?
